Diagnostic Methods in Construction 

27. 9. 17:00-22:00
On site
For children
Wheelchair access
Commented presentation

Non-destructive diagnostic methods in construction allow for the assessment of the technical properties of structures without compromising their integrity. During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to try thermographic imaging of a test object assembled from various materials and perform an endoscopic inspection of it.

Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia


University of West Bohemia in PilsenWebsitewww.zcu.cz
Phone+420 604 755 388
Organizer's schedule


The Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia (Building C)
AddressTechnická 2967/8, 301 00 Plzeň 3 - Jižní Předměstí

Traffic infoMHD: Technická (č. 4), Západočeská univerzita (č. 24,25,30)

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